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How Holy Yoga Helps You Calm the Storm Within

How Holy Yoga Helps You Calm the Storm Within

As Christians, we strive to be holy. However, we all know what it’s like to fail at this goal every day. We lose our tempers, we say hurtful things to others, or we let our judgment be clouded by what people around us say or do.

How do we get back on track? Prayer is one good way, of course. But what if you could release the stress and regulate your emotions while physically moving?  It’s common practice to run, swim, or take a walk to clear one’s head, so why not try holy yoga?

Yoga is not about religion

Holy yoga is centered on Christian teaching and scriptures. Christ is the focus of intention and worship. What Christian yoga embraces from traditional yoga practice are the physical postures or poses, meditation, and mindfulness of one’s breath. 

Holy yoga can be done in private or in the company of a class or group. Some Christian Yoga classes focus on a Scripture theme designed to facilitate meditation on God’s word.  It is meant to enhance the spiritual depth of Christian yoga classes.

The practice of yoga does not belong to a specific religion. Although greatly associated with Hinduism, Christians, Catholics, Buddhists  are free to practice it to deepen their spirituality. Yoga is a spiritual discipline, and like fasting, meditation and prayer, everyone is welcome to practice it.

Coming back to peace

Yoga entails physical movement. By doing the poses, we slowly release the tension in our muscles, calm our hearts and minds, and come back to peace. Christian yoga teaches us how to regulate our emotions and pause – something that’s very important. Pausing will keep us from saying something hurtful in a heated argument. It will also prevent us from making rash decisions during stressful situations.

Holy yoga is prayer while breathing and moving.  It is an expression of faith and helps us continue walking in the light.

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