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How to Choose a Mala

How to Choose a Mala

How To Choose Your Mala Beads by Tiny Devotions

One of the most common questions from our Tiny Devotions tribe is “How on Earth are you supposed to pick between all of these beautiful mala beads?”

{sidenote: to any newbies reading this, “mala” is the slang or short form for mala beads}

Ok, back to helping you choose! We hear this story all the time. Your meditation practice is developing, your spiritual awareness is growing, or you feel that you need a new direction + love of life. After some research, you have decided that a set of mala beads could be the tool that takes your growth to the next level. The question is…which mala beads should you choose?

We get it. You’ve hit a roadblock of decision fatigue, FOMO (fear of missing out on “the one” soulmate mala) and you don’t know where to go from here…

You might be wondering, do you choose by what gemstone you’re drawn to? Colors you love? Shapes you’re attracted to? Or just by the intention that you’re trying to manifest?

The good news is, there really isn’t a wrong answer here. You can choose a mala bead necklace by any one or all of these aspects. To help you make it over the hump of mala indecision, here are some factors to consider on your journey to finding the perfect mala for you right now:

One approach to choosing the perfect set of mala beads is letting your intuition guide you. You know that gut feeling you get when you just know. That’s the best feeling in the world, because your inner voice is coming through loud and clear. When you hear this voice, LISTEN, it’s your intuition talking!

Here are some questions to ask yourself to tap into your intuition when choosing your mala beads:

What was the first mala bead necklace you were drawn to? This is most likely the perfect one for you! Never doubt your magic.

What set of mala beads can you just not get out of your head? This could be a sign that this is your best choice!

Another key element in choosing your mala beads is connecting it to the intention(s) that you are looking to manifest.

Your intention is personal to your journey and only you can decide the goals you are working to accomplish. You may be looking to attract more abundance, find a soul mate or live a more calm and balanced life.

Ask yourself questions like:

What do I want to create in my life?
What am I working on professionally, emotionally or spiritually?
What am I struggling with or challenged by?

If you aren’t clear on your intention, these questions should help guide you.

But you might be wondering how your intention relates to mala beads? One of the coolest things about mala beads are their metaphysical properties. Everything is made up of energy and vibration and the sacred materials we use are no different.

  • Gemstones and Crystals: Our mala beads are made with semi-precious + precious gemstones and crystals that each have their own individual vibrations. So if your intention is to find more love, that aligns to an energy of a specific gemstones (ie. rose quartz in this instance). There are so many possibilities with intentions and gemstones (Check out our crystal guide for more deets). When this energy aligns with your intention it amplifies and supports you in manifesting your desires!
  • Sacred Materials: Similar to crystals, our sacred base materials including: Rudraksha seeds, Sandalwood + Rosewood are all believed to have their own unique healing properties. Sandalwood is believed to have calming and meditative qualities, rudraksha seeds are believed to be healing and rosewood is believed to have protective qualities.

There is real power in physically wearing your intention by rocking mala beads each day. It makes your goal(s) feel tangible at every moment. Each time you catch a glimpse of your mala, feel its weight on your chest, or absentmindedly play with it, you are reminded to stay focused on your chosen path and connect with your intention.

Finally, beauty is a key element to choosing the perfect mala beads for you. We believe that things that you are drawn to are integral in your healing. Whether it’s a beautiful landscape, a cute animal or a gorgeous mala. Surrounding yourself with beautiful and uplifting things is powerful.

  • Color: The colors we are drawn to tell us a lot about our inner world. It’s believed that certain colors are therapeutic and can contribute to our healing. There are so many colors in the world and each person has different colors they are individually drawn to – honor that.

Some things to consider:

What’s your favourite color?
Which colors give you a sense of calm or burst of energy?
What is your favourite room in your home? What color is it?
What colors do you like wearing the most?

Take a moment to look around your most sacred environments and your most treasured belongings and figure out why you love them so much. Is there a trend with color?

  • Shape: Most of our mala beads, with the exception of tassel malas, have guru stones, or the 109th bead on them. There are a variety of different shapes of these key larger stones. Find a mala with a shape that you connect with like oval, pear or nugget. Or maybe you prefer tassels for their length and flow of movement.

The bottom line is that shapes are sacred and important. Have you ever heard of sacred geometry? There are sacred universal patterns made up of interlocking shapes used in the design of nearly everything in our reality.

Selecting a mala is the perfect time to slow down and enjoy some personal reflection. We suggest lighting some candles, putting on your favourite album, comfiest clothes, and getting cozy in your favourite space. Block out the distractions from the rest of the world, and really bring your focus inwards.

Try writing down your goals, struggles, dreams and intentions to see if there is a common thread. Often your subconscious has already started pushing you in the direction you want to be travelling, stop fighting it and listen!

Most importantly, whether you choose your mala based on your intuition, the intention of the gemstones, crystals and sacred materials, or by how beautiful you find it, remember to take your time, travel within, and be true to yourself!

If you need a little guidance, our gurus are always here to help point you in the right direction. Reach out to us at

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