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Harnessing the Vibrations of Gold, Rose Gold, and Silver

Are you feeling anxious one day and energized the other? It could be the change of seasons, work stressors or relationship struggles  affecting your mood, or it could be vibes from the jewelry you’re wearing.

We all know that everything in nature emits an energetic vibration. Natural healers and shamans have been prescribing crystals like quartz, ruby, turquoise and many others as a way to balance out challenging vibes for centuries. But did you know  gold, rose gold and silver all emit an energy that can also be harnessed for your spiritual, emotional and physical benefit?

Embracing The Gold Standard

TD-SriYantra_gold_IsolatedGold, “The Master Healer”, has been a symbol of wealth and power since humans began keeping a record of valuable items. Gold is also associated with purity, as in being ‘present and open’ to communication with the original source of all existence.  When gold is combined with gemstones, it increases the healing power of the stones exponentially.  Trying to manifest more wealth and abundance in your life? Wear gold while you’re meditating on those intentions… trust us! Here we love to wear gold to help open the crown chakra, exposing us to rare and previously untapped sources of wisdom.


Drop the Rose Colored Glasses, Slip on the Rose Gold

TD-Mala-108-RoseGold-limitless-Amplifier-FlatlayCharged with the warmth of the Sun’s energy, Rose Gold is often worn by healers and teachers, especially after a session of self-healing, to replenish diminished energies and help balance the chakras. Rose Gold’s healing properties can benefit the nervous system by improving it’s ability to communicate essential information, and enhancing the flow of information throughout the wearer’s body. It is a high level amplifier and has strong associations with Heart Chakra, so here we often pair it with rose quartz to really focus our intentions on self love and healing.

Trade in Silver Linings for Silver Rings

Silver reflects the phases of the mTD_108_Priestess_flatlayoon, making the wearer increasingly sensitive to psychic ripples. Those looking to tap into their dormant psychic abilities should really be wearing alllll the silver, especially women as it’s one of the more feminine metals. Physically silver is said to increase the production of hormones, as well as regulate the function of glands, which is so crucial to our health and well being.  Silver as strong associations with intuition, vision and clarity, so we love to intertwine it with clear quartz to strengthen our connection to those intentions



When choosing the adornment you wear, pause and really think about every aspect of it. Most of our readers are pretty familiar with the healing properties of gemstones and sacred materials, but have you ever stopped to think about the metals used? You might be surprised by how much they can influence your spiritual journey

What’s your favourite metal? Leave us a comment and let us know!

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